There are many training courses conducted in DMH, since technology transfer to young generation is a one of the prioritized program of DMH. Courses on Meteorology and Hydrology ranging from Level I to Level IV were offered annually to staffs of DMH. Moreover, DMH is participating in many training courses and programs on Aviation Meteorology, Marine Meteorology and Agricultural Meteorology for other relevant departments and institutions. Since 1997, in collaboration with Yangon and Dagon Universities, DMH had offered degree programmes to university honour students majoring in Meteorology and Hydrology. Starting from 2006, DMH is offering a Ph.D. programme on meteorology to university post-graduate students. DMH provide the lectures for:
22-3-2025: Weather is a few cloud over the North Andaman Sea and Central Bay and partly cloudy over the South Andaman Sea and elsewhere over the Bay of Bengal.